Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from 1996 to the present Natsios Young Architects

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Cryptome In
Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 2010    Military Dimensions of Indian Presence in Space  June 30, 2010 (3.3MB)        Secret Service Candidate Protection Costs SNAFU  June 30, 2010        Internal Revenue Service SNAFU 2                 June 30, 2010       Internal Revenue Service SNAFU 1                 June 30, 2010 (980KB)

gao-10-883t.pdf       DHS Combatting Nuclear Smuggling SNAFU           June 30, 2010      Building a Nuke Submarine-Download 1-Hr Video    June 30, 2010 (233MB)
iraq-war-lie.htm      Dear Prime Minister-the lie of the war in Iraq   June 30, 2010
ftc063010.htm         FTC on Twitter Spying                            June 30, 2010
dns-botnet.pdf        DNS Botnet Cyberwar                              June 30, 2010 (401KB)

wikileaks-acts.htm    Wikileaks Activists Ongoing Concerns             June 30, 2010
wikileaks-noam.htm    Wikileaks Not Followed by Noam Chomsky           June 30, 2010         USA Complaints Against Alleged SVR Spies         June 29, 2010 (3.4MB)
wikileaks-case.htm    Wikileaks Case Thoughts                          June 28, 2010
space062810.pdf       US National Space Policy                         June 28, 2010

bis062810.htm         US Export Enemies List Additions                 June 28, 2010
nih062810.htm         Brain Power! to Fight Drug Use                   June 28, 2010
BP-Axe-Video 1        AU 60 Minutes Oil Spill Video Axed by BP Part 1  June 27, 2010 YouTube
BP-Axe-Video 2        AU 60 Minutes Oil Spill Video Axed by BP Part 2  June 27, 2010 YouTube     AU 60 Minutes Oil Spill Video Axed by BP Full    June 27, 2010 (9.8MB)

g8-police2.htm        G8-G20 Police Protest Photos 2                   June 27, 2010
g8-police.htm         G8-G20 Police Protest Photos 1                   June 26, 2010
wikileaks-tea.htm     Wikileaks Tempest in the Tea Pot                 June 26, 2010
wikileaks-views.htm   Wikileaks Interviews                             June 26, 2010
ns-tic.pdf            National Strategy for Trusted IDs in Cyberspace  June 25, 2010

gw-narcostate.htm     Guinea Bissau Is Africa’s First Narcostate       June 25, 2010
bis062810.pdf         Revised Export Commerce Control List             June 25, 2010
iioo062810.pdf        Classified National Security Info-EO 13526       June 25, 2010
nist062810.pdf        Cybersec and Innovation in the Info Economy      June 25, 2010
phmsa062810.pdf       Pipeline Operators Warned of Deepwater SNAFU     June 25, 2010

doj062810.pdf         US v. Election Systems & Software Judgment       June 25, 2010
wikileaks-fish.htm    Assange is preparing to do a Fischer             June 25, 2010
co-indy-feds.htm      Colorado Indymedia Resists the Feds              June 25, 2010    Navy Nuclear Weapon Incident Response Management June 24, 2010 (4.6MB)
bis062510.pdf         Encryption Export Controls Revision              June 24, 2010

treas062510.pdf       Sound Banking Incentive Compensation Policies    June 24, 2010
nsa062510.pdf         NSA Huge 20-Year Campus Development EIS          June 24, 2010
dni061710.pdf         LexisNexis Gov-Com Open Source Spying Roundtable June 23, 2010
fcc062410.pdf         FCC Framework for Broadband Internet Service     June 23, 2010        BP Blowout Questions                             June 23, 2010 (3.2MB)

myanmar-dc-tel.pdf    Myanmar Embassy DC Telephone Directory           June 23, 2010
rosenfeld-v-mod2.htm  Samuel Rosenfeld Faces Prison in MoD Battle      June 23, 2010
crypto-korea.pdf      American Cryptology During the Korean War        June 22, 2010
manning-wl-pgp.htm    Bradley Manning Wikileaks PGP Keys               June 21, 2010
opnav-1500-80.pdf     Sailors Against Destructive Decisions            June 21, 2010 (710KB)        Megadeath Weapons Complex Cost SNAFU             June 21, 2010 (1.2MB)
gao-10-435r.pdf       Terrorist Threat to Mass Transit SNAFU           June 21, 2010
af-war-arch-10-063    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture June 2010 Pt 3  June 21, 2010
jjps.htm              Journal of Journal Performance Studies           June 21, 2010
s3480.htm             Senate Cyberspace Spying Bill                    June 20, 2010

hr5548.htm            House Cyberspace Spying Bill                     June 20, 2010
jfk-secrecy.htm       John F. Kennedy on Official Secrecy              June 19, 2010
clsid-list-04.htm     CLSID Shit List 4                                June 19, 2010
fbi-hq-files.htm      FBI Headquarters Files Available                 June 19, 2010
wikileaks-auth.htm    Wikileaks Insider Authentication                 June 19, 2010

secnav-5239-20.pdf    Navy Cybersecurity IA Workforce                  June 19, 2010
dodi-5505-15.pdf      DoD Contractor Disclosure of Lawbreaking         June 19, 2010
wikileaks-blow.htm    Wikileaks Terrible Funding Blow                  June 18, 2010
doj062110.htm         National Warheads and Energetics Consortium      June 18, 2010
abbott061710.pdf      Kenneth Abbott Whistleblows BP Safety Negligence June 17, 2010

kimberly-process.htm  Zimbabwe Blood Diamonds: Mr. Abbey Chikane       June 17, 2010      Navy High Value Unit Transit Escort Operations   June 17, 2010 (2.2MB)
wikileaks-haven.htm   WikiLeaks-Iceland "New media haven" enacted      June 16, 2010
swiss-spy.pdf         Swiss Lawful Spying Guide                        June 16, 2010
hammond-spy.pdf       Hammond Lawful Spying Guide                      June 16, 2010      Unispeed Lawful Spying Guide                     June 16, 2010 (907KB)
online-spying.htm     Online Spying Guides Updated                     June 16, 2010
obama-protect31.htm   Obama Protection 31                              June 16, 2010
af-war-arch-10-062    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture June 2010 Pt 2  June 16, 2010 Databases of Pistol Packers in New York          June 16, 2010 (7.8MB)

vista-clsids.htm      Microsoft Vista CLSIDs                           June 15, 2010       Strategic Framework of US Efforts in Afghanistan June 15, 2010 (3.7MB)
wikileaks-sec.htm     Is Wikileaks Secure and Beyond the Law?          June 15, 2010
tsa061610.htm         TSA Hopes to Bar Insane Federal Air Marshals     June 15, 2010
wikileaks-costs.htm   Wikileaks Costs                                  June 15, 2010

wikileaks-maybe.htm   Wikileaks May Be Under Attack                    June 15, 2010
nasa061510.htm        Planetary Defense Against Asteroids              June 14, 2010
wikileaks-dogs.htm    Wikileaks Will Throw Manning to the Dogs         June 14, 2010
hts-boot.htm          HTS Head Booted: Georgia Tech Wants Out          June 13, 2010
dodi-8581-01.pdf      Information Assurance for DoD Space Systems      June 13, 2010

DTM-09-019-c1.pdf     DoD Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence     June 13, 2010
predict-spy.pdf       DHS PREDICT Lawful Spying Guide                  June 11, 2010 (940KB)
opnav-n9210-3.pdf     Safeguarding Naval Nuclear Propulsion Info       June 9, 2010 (733KB)       National Security Coordination SNAFU             June 9, 2010 (2.8MB)
af-war-arch-10-06.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture June 2010 Pt 1  June 9, 2010

ringo-drum.htm        Ringo Starr’s Snare Drum Poncy Museum Exhibit    June 9, 2010
uscg-yemen-01.pdf     LNG Shipments Will Not Employ Yemeni Crew FOUO   June 8, 2010
uscg-yemen-02.pdf     Yemen Internal Situation Report October 2009     June 8, 2010
ntia060910.htm        Domain Name System Security Extensions Report    June 8, 2010
opnav-5040-6h.pdf     Navy Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections       June 7, 2010

bilderberg-2010-2.htm Bilderberg launches own website?                 June 6, 2010
gates-spy-goat.htm    SecDef Gates on Spymaster Scapegoat              June 6, 2010
hts-shitload.htm      HTS Referred to as Shit, Soldiers Maligned       June 5, 2010
nara060710.htm        National Declassification Prioritization Plan    June 5, 2010     Navy Nuclear Weapon Stockpile Assessment         June 5, 2010 (933KB)

oil-kill-tph.htm      Oil Kill by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)   June 3, 2010
cjis-sec-add.pdf      Criminal Justice Info Services Sec Addendum FOUO June 3, 2010
space-war.pdf         Space Weapons at US-India Strategic Dialogue     June 3, 2010
obama-protect30.htm   Obama Protection 30                              June 2, 2010
hts-boondoggle.htm    Human Terrain System Deadbeat Boondoggle         June 2, 2010

uk-min-pay.pdf        UK Ministers Pay Rate                            June 2, 2010
jihadists-09.pdf      Jihadists and the Internet 2009 Update           June 2, 2010         The Dark Side of Interpals                       June 2, 2010 (1.3MB)
nara060210.htm        Nixon Archive Materials Declassified             June 2, 2010
doe060210.htm         Texas Clean Energy Project                       June 2, 2010

O f f s i t e 

Biodef Hole           Infiltration of US Biodefense-Anthrax Al Qaeda   June 30, 2010
MC Spooks 60          Monaco Spying Service 60                         June 30, 2010
Spy Porn              Naked Intelligence Peepshow Spying for Profit    June 28, 2010

MC Spooks 59          Monaco Spying Service 59                         June 27, 2010
Spy Defy              Android App to Wiretap-Proof Cell Phones         June 27, 2010
Dark Kit              Emergency Dark Site Tool Kit                     June 25, 2010
MC Spooks 58          Monaco Spying Service 58                         June 25, 2010
IQ OOB                Iraq Order of Battle June 2010                   June 25, 2010

My Terror             Violence Expert Visits Her Dark Past             June 25, 2010
BRUSA - UK            Britain USA Spying Agreement UK Documents        June 25, 2010
BRUSA - USA           Britain USA Spying Agreement USA Documents       June 25, 2010
LN Spy                LEXIS-NEXIS OSINT Kiss to CIA/OSC                June 25, 2010
MC Spooks 57          Monaco Spying Service 57                         June 23, 2010

NSA Patent            Reliably communicating via computer network      June 23, 2010
CIA 1300              CIA Releases 1300 Documents on Korean War Era    June 23, 2010
NSA 2009              2009 NSA FOIA Log                                June 22, 2010
MC Spooks 56          Monaco Spying Service 56                         June 21, 2010
CIA Peep              CIA 2009 Mandatory Declassification Review Log   June 21, 2010

CIA Torture           Office of Legal Counsel CIA Torture Documents    June 20, 2010
MC Spooks 55          Monaco Spying Service 55                         June 19, 2010
Cell Spy              Human Behavior Social Interaction Spy Guide      June 19, 2010
ASR Intel             ASR Inteligencia, Espionaje y Servicios Secretos June 18, 2010
Visa Idiocy           Visa Threatens Public Intelligence FOI Site      June 17, 2010

Shahzad               Alleged Times Square Car Bomber Indicted         June 17, 2010
MC Spooks 54          Monaco Spying Service 54                         June 17, 2010
Cpunks                The History of Cypherpunks Video                 June 17, 2010
EMP Cult              Cult of EMP Crazy Huffpost Kook and Others       June 16, 2010
NY Guns               Who Is Packing a Gun in New York                 June 16, 2010

MC Spooks 53          Monaco Spying Service 53                         June 15, 2010
AF Uncut              Afghanistan Uncut                                June 14, 2010
NSA Wink              NSA: The Truth About the Polygraph               June 14, 2010
DIRgrams              400+ Letters from the head of NSA to underlings  June 13, 2010
MC Spooks 52          Monaco Spying Service 52                         June 13, 2010

MC Spooks 51          Monaco Spying Service 51                         June 13, 2010
MC Suit               Monaco Spying Suit Goes to Discovery             June 13, 2010
Haiti Camps           Audio slideshow: Life in a camp in Haiti         June 9, 2010
MC Spooks 50          Monaco Spying Service 50                         June 9, 2010
MC Spooks 49          Monaco Spying Service 49                         June 7, 2010

MC Spooks 48          Monaco Spying Service 48                         June 5, 2010
WL Dis                NCIS Wikileaks Records                           June 4, 2010
CJIS Sec              Criminal Justice Info Services Security FOUO     June 3, 2010
MC Spooks 47          Monaco Spying Service 47                         June 3, 2010
MC Spooks 46          Monaco Spying Service 46                         June 1, 2010

MAY 2010

anti-israel.htm       Anti-Israel Protest Photos                       May 31, 2010
acp145a.pdf           Messaging Services Between Nations               May 31, 2010       Allied Communications Routing Indicator Book     May 31, 2010 (824KB)      State Department Telephone Directory May 2010    May 31, 2010 (1.5MB)

cia-who-where.htm     CIA Who's Where in Europe                        May 30, 2010
cia-mockingbird.pdf   CIA Project Mockingbird to Wiretap Journalists   May 30, 2010 (1.7MB)
spot-spook.htm        How To Spot A Spook - John Marks                 May 29, 2010
cia-myths.htm         Where Myths Lead to Murder - Philip Agee         May 29, 2010   Five Following DoE Directives Zipped             May 29, 2010 (3.6MB)    DoE Explosives Safety Manual                     May 29, 2010 (3MB)
doe-o-452-1d.pdf      DoE Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Surety Program  May 29, 2010
doe-o-452-2d.pdf      DoE Nuclear Explosive Safety                     May 29, 2010
doe-m-452-2-1a.pdf    DoE Nuclear Explosive Safety Manual              May 29, 2010
doe-o-452-6a.pdf      Doe Nuclear Weapon Surety with DoD Interface     May 29, 2010    Ten Following DoE Directives Zipped              May 29, 2010 (2.9MB)

doe-m-205-1-4.pdf     DoE National Security System Management          May 29, 2010 (1.8MB)
doe-m-205-1-6.pdf     DoE Media Sanitization Manual                    May 29, 2010
doe-m-470-4-4a.pdf    DoE Information Security Manual                  May 29, 2010
doe-m-475-1-1b.pdf    DoE Manual for Identifying Classified Info       May 29, 2010
doe-o-420-1b.pdf      DoE Facility Safety                              May 29, 2010
doe-o-452-7.pdf       DoE Protection of Use Control Vulnerabilities    May 29, 2010
doe-o-460-1c.pdf      DoE Packaging and Transportation Safety          May 29, 2010
doe-o-471-1b.pdf      DoE Protection of Unclassified Nuclear Info      May 29, 2010
doe-o-200-1a.pdf      DoE Information Technology Management            May 29, 2010
doe-o-205-1a.pdf      DoE Cyber Security Management                    May 29, 2010

bilderberg-2010.htm   Bilderberg Participants 2010                     May 29, 2010
dodm-3020-45-v5.pdf   Defense Critical Infrastructure Execution        May 29, 2010

dodi-5505-14.pdf      DNA Collection Requirements For Investigations   May 29, 2010          US National Security Strategy May 2010           May 28, 2010 (1.4MB)       Five Warnings on Hydrogen Sulfide Suicide FOUO   May 27, 2010 (1.2MB)
ceq052810.htm         CEQ Review of MMS Policies for Offshore Drilling May 27, 2010
af-war-arch-10-05.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture May 2010        May 26, 2010

af-war-arch.htm       Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Series          May 26, 2010
ntia052610.htm        Broadband Data Spying Workshop 2                 May 26, 2010
ntia103009.htm        Broadband Data Spying Workshop 1                 May 26, 2010
eo13543.htm           Prez Orders Probe of Deepwater Blowout SNAFU     May 26, 2010
nrc052610.htm         Nuclear Plant Cyber Security Plan                May 26, 2010

tsa052610.htm         Aircraft Operator Security                       May 26, 2010
tsa052610-2.htm       Aviation Security Customer Satisfaction          May 26, 2010
uscg052610.htm        Coast Guard Liquid Gas Waterfront Safety Rule    May 26, 2010
uscg052510.htm        Coast Guard Pirate-Robbery Defense Guide         May 25, 2010         Customs High Energy X-Ray Inspection Systems     May 25, 2010 (829KB)

fsis052510.htm        Compliance Guide for Mobile Slaughter Units      May 25, 2010
usa-v-shahzad.htm     USA vs Faisal Shahzad Court Filings              May 23, 2010
wikispooks.htm        WikiSpooks Launches                              May 22, 2010       Afghan Network Attack Playbook                   May 22, 2010 (1.3MB)
assange-cpunks.htm    Julian Assange Writes Online 1995-2002           May 22, 2010        TSA Passenger Screening Behavior Spying SNAFU    May 22, 2010 (1.1MB)
dodi-5200-08.pdf      Security of DoD Installations and PSRB           May 22, 2010
dodi-5100-76.pdf      DoD Safeguarding Arms, Ammo and Explosives       May 22, 2010
hts-gunrun.htm        HTS Gun Running, Drugs and Flamenco              May 21, 2010
wikileaks-spy.pdf     Wikileaks Security Measures Aid Spying           May 21, 2010

cryptome-ud.htm       Cryptome Precursor Urban Deadline                May 20, 2010
fcc052010.pdf         Avoiding Wireless Customers "Bill Shock"         May 19, 2010
bep052010.pdf         US Currency for the Blind and Visually Impaired  May 19, 2010
ct-snafu.htm          Counterterrorism Spying Normal All Fucked Up     May 19, 2010
obama-protect29.htm   Obama Protection 29                              May 18, 2010

set-project.htm       Spectrum Efficient Technologies Project          May 18, 2010
fra051810.htm         Railroad Workers Use of Digital Comms Limited    May 18, 2010
wikileaks-funds.htm   Wikileaks Funding Drive                          May 16, 2010
nuclear-silos.htm     Nuclear Missile Silos 1980-2010 Eyeball          May 15, 2010
DTM-09-031.pdf        Recording Strategic Intelligence Interrogations  May 15, 2010

dodm-6055-18m.pdf     Safety in Microbiological and Biomedical Labs    May 15, 2010
gao-10-623r.pdf       US Bribery of the West Bank and Gaza 2008-09     May 15, 2010
obama-nyc3.htm        Obama Protection in New York City 13 May 2010    May 14, 2010
pm051110.htm          Obama: Improve Federal Recruitment and Hiring    May 14, 2010
hts-feared.htm        Human Terrain Teams Feared more than CIA         May 12, 2010

ntia051210.pdf        Preventing Contraband Cell Phone Use in Prisons  May 11, 2010        Czech Spying Informants Modus Operandi 1959      May 11, 2010 (1.6MB)
fcc051110.htm         Cyber Security Certification Program             May 11, 2010
fcc051110-2.htm       Failure of Broadband Network Equipment           May 11, 2010          FBI SCIF SBU FOUO                                May 9, 2010 (3.3MB)          Department of Labor SCIF SBU FOUO                May 9, 2010 (7.4MB)
pbs-sbu-audit.pdf     Public Building Service SBU Protection Audit     May 9, 2010
pbs-sbu.pdf           Public Building Service SBU Protection           May 9, 2010
pbs-sbu-cad.pdf       Public Building Service SBU CAD Standards        May 9, 2010
muslim-demo.htm       Americans Protest Muslim Persecution             May 8, 2010

ts-bomber.htm         Times Square Car Bomber Interrogation Site       May 7, 2010
mj-wl-show.htm        Mother Jones Smears Wikileaks - Good Show        May 5, 2010
gao-10-613r.pdf       Afghanistan's Security Environment               May 5, 2010
rosenfeld-v-mod.htm   Samuel Rosenfeld Challenges MoD to Fight         May 5, 2010
hts-smoke.htm         Human Terrain System Smoke and Mirrors           May 5, 2010     Private Spies: Lawyers Writers Journos Ex-Spies  May 5, 2010 (6.3MB)
af-war-arch-10-04.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture April 2010      May 4, 2010
af-war-arch.htm       Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Series          May 4, 2010
usa-megadeath.pdf     USA Megadeath Stockpile                          May 3, 2010
uk-subs-defect.htm    UK nuclear submarines went to sea with defect    May 2, 2010

supernote-nk.pdf      Counterfeit $100 Supernote Made by North Korea   May 2, 2010
hts-ignorant.htm      Army Generals Not Informed HTS was Spy Program   May 1, 2010
TorBT.pdf             Compromising Tor Anonymity: Exploiting P2P Leaks May 1, 2010         Asset-Backed Securities Investor Protection      May 1, 2010 (1.7MB)
ice050310.pdf         Disappeared Immigrants Locator Aid               May 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

WL                    The New Yorker on Wikileaks                      May 31, 2010
MC Spooks 45          Monaco Spying Service 45                         May 31, 2010
Hangem Hi             Government Outlaws                               May 29, 2010
Info Terr             Information Terrorism                            May 29, 2010 (9MB)
Hellavu               BP Gulf Oil Spill Response Plan                  May 29, 2010 (62MB)

MC Spooks 44          Monaco Spying Service 44                         May 28, 2010
CSGW                  Colder Side of Global Warming                    May 26, 2010
MC Spooks 43          Monaco Spying Service 43                         May 26, 2010
KSA Foreseen          Kabul Suicide Attacks Expected                   May 26, 2010
ENIAC et al           Monograph on history of electronic computing     May 26, 2010

ENIAC 1945            Tree representation of a decade of computers     May 26, 2010
Noise                 Noise Control on the Border of Music and Sound   May 24, 2010
MC Spooks 42          Monaco Spying Service 42                         May 24, 2010
GCHQ History          GCHQ History Website                             May 23, 2010
MC Spooks 41          Monaco Spying Service 41                         May 22, 2010

MC Spooks 40          Monaco Spying Service 40                         May 21, 2010
Tropo Comms           Troposcatter Communication Networks              May 19, 2010
MC Spooks 39          Monaco Spying Service 39                         May 18, 2010
CPU Spy               Tamper Evident Microprocessors                   May 17, 2010
Copier Spy            Copier machine vulnerability                     May 17, 2010

Aghan SNAFU           Operation Moshtarak: Lessons Learned             May 17, 2010
MC Spooks 38          Monaco Spying Service 38                         May 17, 2010
MC Spooks 37          Monaco Spying Service 37                         May 14, 2010
CMI                   Cactus Mouth Informer                            May 13, 2010
MC Spooks 36          Monaco Spying Service 36                         May 12, 2010

MC Spooks 35          Monaco Spying Service 35                         May 11, 2010
MC Spooks 34          Monaco Spying Service 34                         May 9, 2010
MC Spooks 33          Monaco Spying Service 33                         May 7, 2010
MC Spooks 32          Monaco Spying Service 32                         May 5, 2010
MC Spooks 31          Monaco Spying Service 31                         May 2, 2010

APRIL 2010

david-kernell.htm     David Kernell Convicted for Sarah Palin Email    April 30, 2010
kernell-142.pdf       David Kernell Superceding Indictment             April 30, 2010

symantec-pgp-spy.pdf  Symantec and Soon PGP Lawful Spying Guide        April 30, 2010
cia-merlin.htm (ok)   CIA Operation MERLIN Disaster                    April 29, 2010    Navy Physical Security and Law Enforcement       April 29, 2010 (3MB)
omb042910.htm         Report on Federal Regulations Benefits-Costs     April 29, 2010
revmuslim.pdf         Revolution Muslim Clarifies South Park Warning   April 28, 2010

cpsc042810.htm        Safety Standards for Bassinets and Cradles       April 28, 2010
cpsc042810-2.htm      Safety Standards for Toddler Beds                April 28, 2010
optical-debunk.htm    Optical Fiber Transmission Capacity Bunk Debunk  April 27, 2010
opnav-5300-11.pdf     Navy Bans Trafficking and Exploitation of Women  April 27, 2010
tarmac-trouble.pdf    Trouble on the Tarmac 2009 Exercise FOUO         April 27, 2010

dia-haiti.pdf         DIA Haiti Health Intelligence Report FOUO        April 27, 2010
stop-loss.pdf         Army Stop Loss Policy and Exceptions FOUO        April 27, 2010      NIJ Duty Holster Standard for Law Enforcement    April 27, 2010 (861KB)
cpsc042710.htm        Unblockable Pool and Spa Drain                   April 27, 2010
gold-vault-frbny.htm  Gold Vault Federal Reserve Bank NY Eyeball       April 24, 2010     Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1945       April 24, 2010 (9MB)      Pocket Guide to Afghanistan 1945                 April 24, 2010 (4MB)
dod-8570-01m.pdf      Information Assurance Workforce Improvement      April 24, 2010
dodi-1340-09.pdf      Hostile Fire Pay and Imminent Danger Pay         April 24, 2010
obama-protect28.htm   Obama Protection 28                              April 23, 2010

nist042310.htm        Info Privacy-Innovation in the Internet Economy  April 23, 2010
obama-nyc2.htm        Obama Protection in New York City 22 April 2010  April 22, 2010
wikileaks-07-10.htm   Wikileaks 2007-2010 Collection                   April 22, 2010
dod042010.htm         Export Controls Major Revision Coming            April 20, 2010
bis042010.htm         Export Controls Revised for Missiles             April 20, 2010  Pornography of War Carnage Photos                April 20, 2010 (41MB)
wikileaks-dream.htm   Wikileaks-Snake Oil or Just a Hackers Wet Dream? April 19, 2010
cia-trap-kill.htm     Why And How the CIA Tried to Entrap And Kill Me  April 19, 2010
gates-warnings.htm    Robert Gates on Faulty Strategic Warnings        April 18, 2010
online-spying.htm     Online Spying Guides                             April 17, 2010     GigaTribe Spying Guide                           April 17, 2010 (2.8MB)           P2P Spying Guide                                 April 17, 2010 (8.2MB)     Windows Vista BitLocker Spying Guide             April 17, 2010 (1.1MB)
iphone-spy.pdf        iPhone Spying Guide                              April 17, 2010     Cell Phone Spying Guide                          April 17, 2010 (4.2MB)

wireless-spy.pdf      Wireless Spying Guide                            April 17, 2010      Limewire Spying Guide 1                          April 17, 2010 (1.6MB)
limewire-spy2.pdf     Limewire Spying Guide 2                          April 17, 2010
limewire-spy3.pdf     Limewire Spying Guide 3                          April 17, 2010     Limewire Spying Guide 4                          April 17, 2010 (1.5MB)

intelliforms-spy.pdf  Windows Intelliforms Spying Guide                April 17, 2010
crypto-spy.pdf        Counter-Encryption Spying Guide                  April 17, 2010      MySpace Spying Guide 2                           April 17, 2010 (724KB)
myspace-spy3.pdf      MySpace Spying Guide 3                           April 17, 2010      MySpace Spying Guide 4                           April 17, 2010 (6.1MB)

dodd-3000-06.pdf      Combat Support Agencies                          April 17, 2010
usace041610.htm       Restricted Areas-Danger Zone Navy Mayport FL     April 16, 2010
yushu-quake.htm       Yushu China Earthquake Photos                    April 15, 2010
ntia041610.pdf        Info Privacy & Innovation in Internet Economy    April 15, 2010
treas041910.pdf       Feds Fight Garnishment of Federal Benefits       April 15, 2010

thomas-drake.htm      Thomas A. Drake Accused of NSA Disclosures       April 15, 2010
ms-analysis.htm       Microsoft Analysis Services CLSID                April 14, 2010
hts-mi-spy.htm        Human Terrain System Is Military Spy Program     April 14, 2010   Army Wash of Reuters Staff Killing in Baghdad 2  April 13, 2010 (7.5MB)      Army Wash of Reuters Staff Killing in Baghdad 1  April 13, 2010 (6.7MB)

nist041310.htm        Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy RFC           April 13, 2010
thai-police.htm       Thai Police Protest Photos                       April 11, 2010
tsa-acstl.pdf         TSA Air Cargo Screening Technology List Non-SSI  April 10, 2010
hellfire-twice.jpg    Two Hellfire Missiles Waste Murder a Walker      April 10, 2010             Army FM 2-0 Intelligence FOUO                    April 10, 2010 (4.4MB)          Intelligence Preparation for Battle FOUO         April 10, 2010 (1.5MB)
reuters-eyeball.htm   Reuters Staff Kill Location Eyeball              April 10, 2010
cert-disaster.htm     CERT Disaster Training Videos                    April 9, 2010        Nuclear Weapons Ignition Facility SNAFU          April 8, 2010 (578KB)
ricardo-dominguez.htm Professor Threatened with Criminal Action        April 8, 2010

af-war-arch.htm       Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Series          April 8, 2010
kyrgyz-police.htm     Kyrgyz Police Protest Photos                     April 8, 2010
obama-protect27.htm   Obama Protection 27                              April 8, 2010
prez-arra.pdf         Obama Orders Combat Against Recovery Act Crime   April 7, 2010      Cop Safety and Spying Advice FOUO                April 7, 2010 (1.2MB)  Counter IED Advice FOUO                          April 7, 2010 (3.7MB)
reuters-kill-2.htm    Army-Wikileaks Reuters Staff Kill Video Stills   April 6, 2010         Nuclear Posture Review Report 2010               April 6, 2010 (2.7MB)  War-Gaming Lawful Cyber Spies Like Us            April 6, 2010 (655KB)     eBay Spying Techniques                           April 5, 2010 (2.6MB)

gao-10-296.pdf        Critical Infrastructure Protection SNAFU         April 5, 2010 (732KB)
isoo040610.pdf        National Industrial Security Tightened           April 5, 2010
aphis040610.pdf       Pathogenic Avian Influenza HPAI in SE and CZ     April 5, 2010
lex-nex-spy-1.pdf     Lexis Nexis Mother of All Lawful Spying Guides   April 4, 2010 (1.4MB)
lex-nex-spy-2.pdf     Lexis Nexis Lawful Spying Guide 2                April 4, 2010

twitter-spy.pdf       Twitter Lawful Spying Guide                      April 4, 2010
ms-cloud-spy.pdf      Microsoft Cloud Spying Guide                     April 4, 2010
spy-contacts.htm      Telecoms and Microsoft Spying Contacts           April 3, 2010
spy-reform-rip.pdf    Spy Reform Rest in Peace                         April 3, 2010 (879KB)          CIA BBC Long-time Spy Partners                   April 3, 2010 (2MB)           Law Enforcement Online Spying Guide              April 2, 2010 (1.8MB)
dhs040210.htm         DHS Inflates and Churns Aviation-Surface Sec     April 2, 2010      National Security Threatened by Insane Waste     April 2, 2010 (5.6MB)
dni040210.htm         Masterspy Inflates and Churns Trivial Spy Info   April 2, 2010
godaddy-spy.pdf       Go Daddy Lawful Spying Guide                     April 1, 2010

integra-spy.pdf       Integra Telecom Lawful Spying Guide              April 1, 2010
one-comm-spy.pdf      One Communications Lawful Spying Guide           April 1, 2010
swift-spy.pdf         SWIFT Lawful Spying Guide                        April 1, 2010 (337KB)
doed040110.htm        Funds for More Cops and Spies on Campus          April 1, 2010
fmcsa040110.htm       Texting Ban While Driving Commercial Vehicles    April 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

MC Spooks 30          Monaco Spying Service 30                         April 29, 2010
RevMuslim             Revolution Muslim Blog                           April 28, 2010
VCS (Slow Load)       342 Docs for Exelon Victoria TX Nuclear Plant    April 28, 2010
MC Spooks 29          Monaco Spying Service 29                         April 27, 2010
EFF CI                EFF Counter-Spies the Spies                      April 26, 2010

MC Spooks 28          Monaco Spying Service 28                         April 25, 2010
CyberWar SNAFU        McAfee exceeds North Korea as cyberattack power  April 23, 2010
NSA Patent            Decoding signals having binary BCH codes         April 23, 2010
MC Spooks 27          Monaco Spying Service 27                         April 22, 2010
MC Spooks 26          Monaco Spying Service 26                         April 20, 2010

TNM                   Terrorism and New Media                          April 20, 2010
MC Spooks 25          Monaco Spying Service 25                         April 18, 2010
RevTrax               Web Coupon Spying                                April 17, 2010
MC Spooks 24          Monaco Spying Service 24                         April 15, 2010
PoW                   Google Deleted Porn of War Website               April 14, 2010

MC Spooks 23          Monaco Spying Service 23                         April 14, 2010
Afpak Obscene         American Embassy Kabul Stream of Obscenities     April 13, 2010
MC Spooks 22          Monaco Spying Service 22                         April 12, 2010
MC Spooks 21          Monaco Spying Service 21                         April 8, 2010
NSA Patent            Decoding signals having binary BCH codes         April 8, 2010

MC Spooks 20          Monaco Spying Service 20                         April 6, 2010
MC Spooks 19          Monaco Spying Service 19                         April 4, 2010
Prez SOS              President Ford Approved Warrantless Wiretaps     April 4, 2010
MC Spooks 18          Monaco Spying Service 18                         April 2, 2010
Area 51               Area 51 Veterans Break Silence                   April 1, 2010

MARCH 2010

alharamain-v-nsa.pdf  Decision Declaring NSA Wiretapping Illegal       March 31, 2010
zimbabwe-ban.pdf      Zimbabwe Police Ban Church Services              March 30, 2010 (587KB)

pnav-1410-1d.pdf      Seabee Combat Warfare Qualification              March 30, 2010
digital-due-spy.pdf   Digital Due Process Lawful Spying Guide          March 30, 2010
hts-ratsass.htm       Human Terrain System Leadership: Worst Ever?     March 30, 2010
usa-v-hutaree.htm     USA v. Hutaree Court Filings                     March 30, 2010
cox-spy.pdf           Cox Comms Lawful Spying Guide A Candid Exemplar  March 29, 2010

obama-protect26.htm   Obama Protection 26                              March 28, 2010
eo13535.htm (ok)      Obama Sets Abortion Restrictions                 March 28, 2010
glass-house.htm       Do Not Throw Rocks At A House of Glass           March 28, 2010
af-war-arch-10-03.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture March 2010      March 27, 2010
dodi-5535-02.pdf      DoD Patent Security Review Process               March 27, 2010

islam-problem.htm     IMO the author has a personal problem with islam March 26, 2010
af-war-arch-10-02.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture February 2010   March 26, 2010
af-war-arch-09-11.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug-Nov 2009    March 26, 2010     FirstCare Physicians Lawful Spying Guide         March 26, 2010 (1.5MB)
cisco-spy2.pdf        Cisco Lawful Spying Guide 2                      March 26, 2010        Unmanned Aircraft Systems SNAFU                  March 26, 2010 (725KB)
police-pretext1.pdf   Police Pretexting Deception and Trickery 1       March 26, 2010
police-pretext2.pdf   Police Pretexting Deception and Trickery 2       March 26, 2010         Guerilla Hunter Killer Operations Manual         March 26, 2010 (947KB)      Buffalo Mine-Protected Clearance Vehicle FOUO    March 26, 2010 (1.5MB)

dea033110.htm         DEA to Aid Hacking of Electronic Prescriptions   March 26, 2010
sni.pdf               Single Narrative Index of Jihadist Dogma         March 26, 2010
holy-terror.pdf       Holy Books and Terror Manuals                    March 26, 2010
gao-10-567t.pdf       Census InfoTech Spying Systems Remain at Risk    March 25, 2010 (548KB)
gao-10-536t.pdf       Gov Information Security Persistent Weaknesses   March 25, 2010 (415KB)        Census Bureau Lawful Spying Guide                March 25, 2010 (2.3MB)
asa-spy.pdf           American Stats Assoc Lawful Gov Spying Guide     Narch 25, 2010
packet-spy.pdf        Packet Forensics Lawful Spying Products          March 24, 2010 (346KB)
ssl-mitm.pdf          Defeating Gov Interception Attacks Against SSL   March 24, 2010 (645KB)
travelers-spy.pdf     Travelers Express Lawful Spying Guide            March 24, 2010 (272KB)

moneygram-spy.pdf     Moneygram Lawful Spying Guide                    March 23, 2010 (469KB)
probing-secrets.htm   The Press Inchoate Liability for Newsgathering   March 23, 2010
your-privacy-spy.pdf  Your Privacy Is Important To Us Except           March 22, 2010
will-not-spy.pdf      Will Not Reveal Your Personal Information Except March 22, 2010
cannot-id-spy.pdf     Cannot Personally Identify You Except            March 22, 2010

take-privacy-spy.pdf  Take Your Privacy Very Seriously Except          March 22, 2010
collect-no-spy.pdf    Collect No Personal Information About You Except March 22, 2010
fcc032210.htm         Telephone Consumer Protection                    March 22, 2010
treas032210.htm       Interagency Statement on Funding-Liquidity Risk  March 22, 2010
atbcb032210.htm       Electronic and Info Tech Accessibility Standards March 22, 2010

ibm-coprocess-spy.pdf IBM Coprocessor Collaborative Spying             March 21, 2010
us-interpol-spy.pdf   US Interpol Collaborative Spying                 March 21, 2010
af-soic-2010.pdf      AF Stability Operations Information Center FOUO  March 21, 2010 (318KB)
caida-spy.pdf         Promotion of Internet Data Spying                March 20, 2010 (573KB) Tech Manual AN/GYK-55 Crypto Device FOUO         March 20, 2010 (7.3MB)

1TL32-6228-1.pdf      Tech Manual Fuel Pressurization Calibration FOUO March 20, 2010       Margie Schoedinger Court Documents               March 20, 2010 (3MB) 
dodd-5111-12e.pdf(ok) WHINSEC Assassination School Continued           March 20, 2010
gao-10-355.pdf        IRS Information Security SNAFU                   March 19, 2010
gao-10-537t.pdf       Freedom of Information ACT SNAFU                 March 19, 2010

trofile-spy.pdf       Trofile HIV Assay Lawful Spying Guide            March 19, 2010
dr-medwid-spy.pdf     Dr Medwid Dental Spa Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
abraxas-spy.pdf       Abraxas Applications Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
winnebago-spy.pdf     Winnebago Industries Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
nc4-spy.pdf           NC4 Lawful Spying Guide                          March 19, 2010

teach-me-le-spy.pdf   Teach Me Law Enforcement Lawful Spying Guide     March 19, 2010
idv-spy.pdf           International Data Vault Lawful Spying Guide     March 19, 2010
dhs-web-spy2.htm      Coast Guard Denies a DHS-Wide Web-Spy Takedown   March 19, 2010
israel-police4.htm    Israel Police Photos 4                           March 19, 2010
ispab031910.htm       InfoSec and Privacy Panel Meet                   March 19, 2010

G20-Brief.ppt         G20 Security Brief Law Enforcement Sensitive     March 19, 2010 (1.5MB)
dni-foia-lies.pdf     Spymaster Same Old Lies About FOIA Compliance    March 19, 2010
secnav-8120-1.pdf     Navy Nuclear Weapons Responsibilities            March 18, 2010
gao-10-500t.pdf       Mil Intel Surveil Recon SNAFU                    March 18, 2010
wtc031710-01.jpg      WTC Construction Still Hiding 17 March 2010      March 18, 2010 (754kb)

gsa031810.htm         Plum Island Animal Disease Center Sale EIS       March 18, 2010
hts-jieddo.htm        Linking JIEDDO to US Death Squads                March 17, 2010
ncppcc031710.htm      Spying on Helpers of the Vulnerable              March 17, 2010
dhs031610.htm         DHS Hides Spying Data from Privacy Law           March 17, 2010
eo13534.htm           Obama Sets Export Initiative                     March 17, 2010

tsa031610.htm         TSA Demands Aircraft Operator Security Data      March 17, 2010
israel-police3.htm    Israel Police Photos 3                           March 16, 2010
cryptome-sar.htm      Cryptome Falsely Accused - PayPal Un-Apologizes  March 16, 2010
steptoe-spy.pdf       Steptoe & Johnson Lawful Spying Legal Counsel    March 15, 2010
covington-spy.pdf     Covington & Burling Lawful Spying Legal Counsel  March 15, 2010

dni-spy.pdf           Masterspy Laughable Spying Guide                 March 15, 2010
cia-spy.pdf           Central Intelligence Agency Lawful Spying Guide  March 15, 2010
nsa-spy.pdf           National Security Agency Lawful Spying Guide     March 15, 2010
att-spy.pdf           ATT Lawful Spying Guide                          March 15, 2010
bt-spy.pdf            British Telecom Lawful Spying Guide              March 15, 2010

ebay-paypal-spy.pdf   Ebay-PayPal Lawful Spying Guide                  March 15, 2010
israel-police2.htm    Israel Police Photos 2                           March 14, 2010
greece-police2.htm    Greece Police Photos 2                           March 14, 2010
wtc-nist-wtc7-no.pdf  NIST Denies Access to WTC 7 Collapse Data        March 14, 2010
google-spy.pdf        Google Lawful Spying Guide                       March 13, 2010

whitehouse-spy.pdf    White House Lawful Spying Guide                  March 13, 2010
frb-spy.pdf           Federal Reserve Board Lawful Spying Guide        March 13, 2010
jpmorgan-spy.pdf      JP Morgan Lawful Spying Guide                    March 13, 2010
jpmorgan-code-spy.pdf JP Morgan Code of Spying Guide                   March 13, 2010
gs-spy.pdf            Goldman Sachs Lawful Spying Guide                March 13, 2010

ibm-spy.pdf           IBM Lawful Spying Guide                          March 13, 2010
verint-spy.pdf        Verint Lawful Spying Guide                       March 13, 2010 (ok)  Juniper Lawful Spying Guide                      March 13, 2010 (1.6MB)     52 Photos of World Trade Center 7 Collapse       March 13, 2010 (37MB)
obama-protect25.htm   Obama Protection 25                              March 12, 2009

wtc-punch.htm         Aircraft Wheel Punches Out a Wall of WTC Tower   March 11, 2010    Navy Critical Infrastructure Program             March 10, 2010 (1.1MB)
ee-net-censor.htm     Estonia Joins Countries Censoring the Internet   March 10, 2010    30 Photos of Body Parts Ejected from WTC 9/11    March 10, 2010 (29MB)
nsa-inman-1979.pdf    NSA Perspective on Telecom Protection 1979 FOIA  March 9, 2010 (2.5MB)      153 NYPD WTC Collapse Photos 11 September 2001   March 9, 2010 (64MB)      National Security Case Studies                   March 9, 2010 (3.4MB)
dni120309.pdf         Spy Applicant/Employee Ancestry and Ethnicity    March 9, 2010
treas030810.htm       US Allows Internet Spy Tech Export to Rogues     March 9, 2010
crypto-free.htm       International Cryptography Freedom               March 9, 2010

phmsa030910.htm       TSA HazMat Transport Security Plans              March 9, 2010
dhs030910.htm         DHS Hides Records of Black Hole Targets          March 9, 2010
gao-10-351r.pdf       Long Island Railroad Disability SNAFU            March 8, 2010
internet-spy-all.pdf  McKinsey Report: The Internet of Things          March 8, 2010
greece-police.htm     Greece Police Photos 1                           March 7, 2010       Dept of Commerce vs Terrorism and Espionage      March 7, 2010 (4.7MB)   AMERITHRAX: Infiltration of US Biodefense?       March 6, 2010 (1.4MB)
dodd-5505-13e.pdf     DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3)                     March 6, 2010    Dept of Commerce Manual of Security              March 6, 2010 (1.6MB)
gao-10-338.pdf        Cybersecurity National Initiative SNAFU          March 6, 2010 (763KB)

spy-call.htm          Why Not Call Spying Spying                       March 3, 2010
earthlink-spy.pdf     Earthlink Lawful Spying Guide                    March 3, 2010
earthlink-dmca.pdf    Earthlink DMCA Spying Guide                      March 3, 2010
netsol-spy.pdf        Network Solutions Lawful Spying Guide            March 3, 2010 (1MB)
time-warner-spy.pdf   Time Warner Lawful Spying Guide                  March 3, 2010

cnci-030210.pdf       White House Cybersecurity Comedy Declassified    March 2, 2010       Accession of Israel to the OECD-Confidential     March 2, 2010 (7.3MB)
dhs021910.pdf         Computer Network Security & Privacy Protection   March 2, 2010
doe030110.htm         Los Alamos Plutonium Lab Seismic Hazard Report   March 2, 2010
al-jazirah-hits.htm   Al-Jazirah TV Accused in Assassinations-Arrests  March 2, 2010

O f f s i t e 

MC Spooks 17          Monaco Spying Service 17                         March 31, 2010

MC Spooks 16          Monaco Spying Service 16                         March 30, 2010
CN Nukes              China's Nuclear Warhead Storage-Handling Systems March 29, 2010
MC Spooks 15          Monaco Spying Service 15                         March 29, 2010
DIY U238              How to Build Your Own Uranium Centrifuge         March 26, 2010
DIY Nuke              How to Build Your Own Nuclear Bomb               March 26, 2010

Anti-No               Anti-Censorship Browsing Technology              March 26, 2010 
MC Spooks 14          Monaco Spying Service 14                         March 26, 2010
Spy How               East German Spycraft                             March 26, 2010
ACTA Leak             ACTA Copyright Treaty Leaked Confidential        March 24, 2010
MC Spooks 13          Monaco Spying Service 13                         March 24, 2010

MC Spooks 12          Monaco Spying Service 12                         March 23, 2010
MC Spooks 11          Monaco Spying Service 11                         March 21, 2010
Prez Comms            Prez Cannonball Communications Tower Facilities  March 20, 2010
Secrets               A Secret Landscape                               March 20, 2010
MC Spooks 10          Monaco Spying Service 10                         March 19, 2010

Cyber Con             Cyberthreat Cult Chief Admits Threat Inflated    March 18, 2010
FTC Pry               FTC Hears Debate About Privacy Polices           March 18, 2010
NYT Wiki              NY Times Muckrakes Wikileaks and US Army         March 18, 2010
NSA Log               NSA FOIA log for Calendar Year 2008              March 18, 2010
CIA Video             CIA’s European Secrets: Clandestine prisons      March 18, 2010

MC Spooks 9           Monaco Spying Service 9                          March 17, 2010
PACER                 Greater Public Access to Court Documents         March 16, 2010
MC Spooks 8           Monaco Spying Service 8                          March 15, 2010
WL Plot               US Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks     March 15, 2010
AAG                   Cryptome et al: Security after the war on terror March 15, 2010

VAFB                  Eyeballing Vandenberg AFB Missile Site           March 15, 2010
3 Yarp                Sibel Edmonds Peter Collins John Young Talk      March 14, 2010
MC Spooks 7           Monaco Spying Service 7                          March 14, 2010
Crypto List           New mailing list for cryptography discussion     March 12, 2010
NSA Patent            Removing noise and interference from signal      March 11, 2010

NSA Patent            Code generation that minimizes error propagation March 11, 2010
SCIF                  SCIF Drywall Construction Product                March 11, 2010
MC Spooks 6           Monaco Spying Service 6                          March 11, 2010
Spy Bait              Virtual Spy Job Data Gathering                   March 9, 2010
MC Spooks 5           Monaco Spying Service 5                          March 9, 2010

Spy Grub              How Journalists and Spies Moneygrub              March 7, 2010
MC Spooks 4           Monaco Spying Service 4                          March 6, 2010
Who Spy               Lawful Spying ISPs and Telcos 2005               March 3, 2010
MC Spooks 3           Monaco Spying Service 3                          March 3, 2010
MC Spooks 2           Monaco Spying Service 2                          March 1, 2010


The five win7 below Zipped ../cryptome/isp-spy/    February 28, 2010 (19MB)         Microsoft Win 7 Spying Guide 1 - LE Sensitive    February 28, 2010 (9.7MB)         Microsoft Win 7 Spying Guide 2 - LE Sensitive    February 28, 2010 (2.4MB)     Microsoft Win 7 File Spying - LE Sensitive       February 28, 2010 (580KB)     Microsoft Win 7 Copy Spying - LE Sensitive       February 28, 2010 (2.2MB)      Microsoft Win 7 BitLocker Spying - LE Sensitive  February 28, 2010 (4.4MB)
chile-quake-01.htm    Chile Quake Photos 1                             February 27, 2010
DTM-09-015.pdf        Civilians Covered by Code of Military Justice    February 27, 2010        Combatting Nuclear Terrorism SNAFU               February 26, 2010 (639KB)

DTM-09-026.pdf        DoD Issues Responsible Internet Use Policy       February 26, 2010
ms-spy-takedown.htm   Microsoft Demands Takedown of Spy Guide Update   February 26, 2010
fincen022610.pdf      FINCEN Revises Bank Secrecy Regs                 February 25, 2010        PayPal Spying Guide                              February 25, 2010 (932KB)
myspace-spy.pdf       MySpace Spying Guide                             February 25, 2010

comcast-spy.pdf       Comcast Spying Guide                             February 25, 2010    Military Help to Haiti Report                    February 24, 2010 (3.7MB)
usa-v-zazi.htm        USA v. Najibullah Zazi Update                    February 23, 2010
israel-police.htm     Israel Police Photos 1                           February 23, 2010      Coast Guard National Maritime Threats 2008 FOUO  February 21, 2010 (1.6MB)

meryl-nass.htm        Microbiologist Meryl Nass on FBI Anthrax SNAFU   February 21, 2010
clsid-list-03.htm     CLSID Shit List No. 3                            February 21, 2010
afpak-dead.htm        Obama's Afpak Military Dead                      February 20, 2010
clsid-list-02.htm     CLSID Shit List No. 2                            February 20, 2010 Microsoft Global Criminal Spy Guide              February 20, 2010 (1.6MB)

clsid-list-01.htm     CLSID Shit List No. 1                            February 20, 2010
bbc-cryptome2.htm     BBC Radio Talks to Cryptome Update               February 20, 2010
facebook-spy.pdf      Facebook Lawful Spying Guide                     February 20, 2010
aol-spy.pdf           AOL Lawful Spying Guide                          February 20, 2010
skype-spy.pdf         Skype Lawful Spying Guide                        February 20, 2010

cox-spy.pdf           Cox Communications Lawful Spying Guide           February 20, 2010
ning-spy.pdf          Ning Lawful Spying Guide                         February 20, 2010
myyearbook-spy.pdf    myYearbook Lawful Spying Guide                   February 20, 2010
stickam-spy.pdf       Stickam Lawful Spying Guide                      February 20, 2010
usps-spy.pdf          US Postal Service Mail Spy Request 1             February 20, 2010

usps-spy2.pdf (ok)    US Postal Service Mail Spy Request 2             February 20, 2010
yahoo-preserve.pdf    Lawful Yahoo Records Preservation Letter         February 20, 2010
embeddedart.htm       Joe Stack Web Site Embeddedart Reconstruction    February 19, 2010
joe-stack.htm         Joe Stack Statement                              February 18, 2010
dhs-web-spy.htm       Coast Guard Sends a DHS-Wide Web-Spy Takedown    February 18, 2010

dni021710.pdf         Masterspy Fact Sheet                             February 18, 2010
dni-stiff.htm         DNI Stiffs Intellipedia FOIA Request             February 17, 2010
dhs012110.pdf         DHS Haiti Social Media Disaster Watch            February 16, 2010 (moved)     US Secret Service Network Intrusion Program      February 16, 2010 (21MB)
hts-salomi3.htm       HTS Hostage Issa Salomi Lived Off Base           February 15, 2010

af-war-arch-01-01.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture January 2010    February 15, 2010
obama-protect24.htm   Obama Protection 24                              February 14, 2009
iran-police3.htm      Iran Police Photos Part 3                        February 14, 2010
DTM-09-007.pdf        Full Costs of Civilian and Military Manpower     February 13, 2010
cisco-spy.pdf         Cisco Lawful Spying                              February 12, 2010

3gpp-spy.htm          3GPP Lawful Spying and Security                  February 11, 2010
ntia021110.htm        Federal Radio Frequency Management Manual        February 11, 2010
fincen021010.htm      Expansion of Financial Spying                    February 10, 2010
fema021010.htm        National Disaster Recovery Framework             February 10, 2010
mspb021010.htm        National Security Position Amicus Briefs         February 10, 2010

don021010.htm         Naval Special Warfare Recruiting Directorate     February 10, 2010
ahrq021010.htm        Measurement Criteria for Children's Health       February 10, 2010
ncua021010.htm        National Credit Union Unfair or Deceptive Acts   February 10, 2010
hrsa021010.htm        HIV/AIDS Funds for Housing Services              February 10, 2010
nigc021010.htm        Indian Gaming Antidiscrimination-Whistleblowing  February 10, 2010

aphis021010.htm       Transportation of Equines for Slaughter          February 10, 2010
nrc020910.htm         Nuclear Plant Physical Security Hardware Check   February 9, 2010
ostp020910.htm        Consumer Interface With the Smart Grid           February 9, 2010
hts-salomi2.htm       New Drama on Captured HTS Member Issa T. Salomi  February 9, 2010
nsa-hq-who.htm        NSA Headquarters Workforce 1993-2007             February 8, 2010

hts-salomi.htm        IQ Insurgents Capture HTS Member Issa T. Salomi  February 7, 2010
cia-hq-who.htm        CIA Headquarters Workforce 1988-2008             February 6, 2010
siddiqui-usa.pdf      Aaifa Siddiqui Letter to Americans Loyal to USA  February 6, 2010
ai-110-v1.pdf         National Security Personnel System in 4th Estate February 6, 2010
dodi-1235-12.pdf      Accessing the Reserve Components                 February 6, 2010        Canadian Spy Operations-Training Documents 2     February 5, 2010 (528KB)
nbsb-mcm.pdf          Industrial Biodefense Medical Countermeasures    February 5, 2010 (569KB)
gao-10-25.pdf         TARP TALF FRB SNAFU                              February 5, 2010 (2MB)
siddiqui-all-as.jpg   Aaifa Siddiqui Brandeis All A's Transcript       February 5, 2010
nrc020510.htm         NRC Open Government Web Site                     February 5, 2010          DoD Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review 2009   February 5, 2010 (1.6MB)
doj020310.pdf         Attorney Gen Letter to Senate on Abdulmutallab   February 3, 2010
eo13530.htm           Obama's Advisory Council on Financial Capability February 2, 2010
dni020210.pdf         Spymaster Annual Threat Assessment               February 2, 2010      Law of War Deskbook 2010                         February 2, 2010 (1.4MB)

O f f s i t e 

MC Spooks 1           Monaco Spying Service 1                          February 27, 2010
KGB-Chair 31          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 31     February 26, 2010
FBI-CFR               FBI Confidential File Room                       February 26, 2010

KGB-Chair 30          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 30     February 24, 2010
MUTC                  Defend the Homeland - Win the Peace              February 24, 2010
WDIM                  What Does It Mean: German Troops in US Homeland  February 24, 2010
Spy Watch             The People We Pay to Look Over Our Shoulders     February 23, 2010
NCTC Awry             National Counterterrorism Center SNAFU           February 23, 2010

KGB-Chair 29          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 29     February 22, 2010
DoJ Squeak            DoJ Belated Answers on Electronic Surveillance   February 22, 2010
Dead Man Tale         Alexander Haig Named as Deep Throat              February 20, 2010
KGB-Chair 28          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 28     February 19, 2010
Bot Crap              Zeus/Zbot Attack Takes 10 Minutes to Undo Here   February 18, 2010

KGB-Chair 27          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 27     February 18, 2010
KGB-Chair 26          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 26     February 17, 2010
IMMI                  Icelandic Modern Media Initiative                February 17, 2010
CIA 7                 Obama and Panetta on Seven CIA Killed            February 17, 2010
KGB-Chair 24-25       Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 24-25  February 16, 2010

NSA Guide             Guide to NSA Historical Documents 1931-85        February 16, 2010
VidSec                Video of Mossad Assassins of Hamas Man in Dubai  February 15, 2010
KGB-Chair 23          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 23     February 15, 2010
Google Spy            Google Buzz: Economic Surveillance – Buzz Off!   February 15, 2010
Glomar                Project Azorian: CIA History of Glomar Explorer  February 12, 2010

KGB-Chair 22          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 22     February 11, 2010
CPBroke               Chip and PIN is Broken                           February 11, 2010
KGB-Chair 21          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 21     February 9, 2010
KGB-Chair 20          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 20     February 6, 2010
CorrDef               DoD Corrosion Defense Web Site                   February 6, 2010

KGB-Chair 19          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 19     February 5, 2010
KGB-Chair 18          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 18     February 3, 2010
Spy Lie               Lying Polygraph Led to False Navy Spy Charge     February 2, 2010
CN-IL                 Chinese Israeli Spy Connection                   February 2, 2010
KGB-Chair 17          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 17     February 2, 2010


haiti-bivouacs.htm    Haiti Airport Military Media Bivouacs 1994-2010  January 31, 2010
dodd-5100-20.pdf      National Security Agency Updated                 January 30, 2010

dodi-5205-13.pdf      Industrial Cyber Security/Information Assurance  January 30, 2010
opnav-5400-7407.pdf   Navy Establishes Cyber Command at Fort Meade     January 29, 2010
opnav-5400-7408.pdf   Navy Establishes Cyber Forces at Norfolk         January 29, 2010
ho-net-spy.htm        Home Office on New Internet Spying               January 29, 2010
gao-10-401t.pdf       Terrorist Watchlist Passenger Screening SNAFU    January 28, 2010

obama-protect23.htm   Obama Protection 23                              January 28, 2009
qdr-2010.pdf          2010 Quarterly Defense Report Draft 12-09 FOUO   January 28, 2010 (419KB)
treas012810.htm       CYA SOS: Banking Titanic Doomed by Iceberg Hit   January 28, 2010
nhtsa012810.htm       Uniform Criteria for Spying on Seat Belt Use     January 28, 2010
nctc012710.pdf        Flight 253: Learning from an Averted Tragedy     January 27, 2010

dhs-quakes.htm        DHS Family Preparedness for Earthquakes          January 27, 2010         Canadian Spy Operations-Training Documents 1     January 27, 2010 (3.2MB)
haiti-galore.htm      Haiti Photos Galore                              January 26, 2010
doj-spy-04-08.pdf     DoJ Pen Registers and Traps-Traces 2004-08       January 25, 2010
us-un-haiti.htm       US and UN Growth in Haiti                        January 25, 2010

usemb-camp.htm        US Embassy and Homeless Relocation Camp Haiti    January 24, 2010
acta-docs.htm         Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Documents    January 23, 2010
hts-future.htm        The New Face of the Human Terrain System         January 23, 2010
haiti-camps2.htm      Haiti Survivors Camps Photos                     January 23, 2010
haiti-camps-02.htm    Haiti Earthquake Camps Eyeball 2                 January 23, 2010

dodd-3150-08.pdf      Response to Nuclear and Radiological Incidents   January 23, 2010
dodi-1400-25-v2007    Defense Civilian Spy Job Structure Ch 1          January 23, 2010
dodi-1400-25-v2008    Defense Civilian Spy Awards Ch 1                 January 23, 2010
dodi-1400-25-v2011    Defense Civilian Spy Management Ch 1             January 23, 2010
dodi-1400-25-v2012    Defense Civilian Spy Compensation Ch 1           January 23, 2010

dos012110.htm         Hillary Clinton Remarks on Internet Freedom      January 22, 2010
pm012010.htm          Obama Memo on Gov Contractor Tax Cheats          January 22, 2010
cybermilitantism.htm  Celebrity Cybermilitantism Superficiality Update January 22, 2010
ms-decafme.htm        Decafme Gets Microsoft COFEE Takedown Notice     January 21, 2010
screwing-vets.htm     Screwing Our Veterans Is Boundless               January 21, 2010

haiti-camps.htm       Haiti Earthquake Camps Eyeball                   January 20, 2010
peep012010.pdf        Spy Gods Leer Peep-show Crotch Shot              January 20, 2010
atf012010.htm         Storage of Explosive Shock Tube With Detonators  January 20, 2010
titanyen-pits.htm     Titanyen Haiti Burial Pits Eyeball Updated       January 19, 2010
gao-10-41.pdf         Border Information Sharing SNAFU                 January 19, 2010 (863KB)

doj-isp-spy.pdf       DoJ Reports Patriot Act ISP Spying Disclosures   January 19, 2010
sec011910.htm         SEC Adds Tiny Bite to Toothless Bark             January 19, 2010
haiti-quake-05.htm    Haiti Quake Photos 5                             January 18, 2010
faa011510.htm         Boeing 747 Systems-Data Network Hack Threat      January 18, 2010
dos011910.htm         Terrorist: al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula    January 18, 2010

haiti-quake-04.htm    Haiti Quake Photos 4                             January 17, 2010
intercept-study.htm   Vulnerability of Communications to Interception  January 16, 2010
dodd-3020-40.pdf      DoD Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure January 16, 2010
dodd-4515-12.pdf      DoD Support of Congress Members-Employees Travel January 16, 2010
dodd-6010-04.pdf      Healthcare of Services Members and Beneficiaries January 16, 2010   Information Paper on DoD Directives Program      January 16, 2010 (643KB)
bbc-cryptome.htm      BBC Interviews Cryptome Update                   January 15, 2010
haiti-quake-03.htm    Haiti Quake Photos 3                             January 15, 2010
natsec-mess.htm       A Glimpse of the Current National Security Mess  January 14, 2010
space-war-tech.htm    Global Space Warfare Technologies                January 14, 2010

haiti-quake-02.htm    Haiti Quake Photos 2                             January 14, 2010
eo13528.htm           Obama Orders War Council of Governors            January 13, 2010
haiti-quake-01.htm    Haiti Quake Photos 1                             January 13, 2010
dhs-sandt.pdf         Homeland Security Science and Technology RFP     January 12, 2010
a5-3-attack.pdf       GSM A5/3 Cryptosystem Attack                     January 12, 2010

dhs011210.htm         Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards       January 12, 2010
fcic011210.htm        Financial Crisis Inquiry First Hearing           January 12, 2010
abdulmutallab.htm     USA v. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Update          January 8, 2010 
fbi010810.htm         FBI Wants Database of IT Experts                 January 8, 2010
fda010810.htm         FDA Guide for High Absenteeism of Drug Makers    January 8, 2010

atf010810.htm         ATF List of Explosive Materials                  January 8, 2010
dni-sec-yawn.pdf      Masterspy Yawns Lax Security                     January 8, 2010
usa-v-cannon.htm      USA Indicts Cannon and Drotleff of Blackwater-XE January 7, 2010
lax-sec-yawn.htm      Obama Yawns Lax Security                         January 7, 2010
wh-sec-review.pdf     White House Security Review                      January 7, 2010

wh-sec-correct.pdf    White House Security Corrective Actions          January 7, 2010
eo13527.htm           Obama Orders Med Countermeasures for Bio Attack  January 6, 2010
islam4uk.htm          Islam4UK Files                                   January 6, 2010
ms-bamboozle.htm      Microsoft Bamboozles Network Solutions Update    January 5, 2010
dos010510.htm         Holy Land Hells Angels Remain US Threat          January 5, 2010

ps010510.htm          Mailing Replica or Inert Explosive Devices       January 5, 2010
eo13526.htm           EO 13526 Classified NatSec Information           January 5, 2010
placard-threat.htm    Official Parking Placards Pose Threat            January 4, 2010
kahn-tapping.htm      Tapping Computers by David Kahn                  January 4, 2010
kahn-crypto.htm       Cryptology Goes Public by David Kahn             January 3, 2010

nsa-meyer.htm         NSA FOIA Documents on Joseph Meyer IEEE Letter   January 2, 2010
diffie-nsa.htm        Whitfield Diffie on NSA and Joseph Meyer Letter  January 2, 2010
dodd-4500-54e.pdf     DoD Foreign Clearance Program                    January 2, 2010

O f f s i t e

10 Bad                Bottom 10 - Information Security Worst Practices January 30, 2010
KGB-Chair 16          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 16     January 29, 2010
CIA SIS               CIA Studies in Spying                            January 27, 2010
KGB-Chair 14-15       Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 14-15  January 25, 2010
KGB-Chair 13          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 13     January 22, 2010

Buffett Church        Church of Warren Buffett: Faith and Fundamentals January 20, 2010
KGB-Chair 11-12       Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 11-12  January 20, 2010
NSA Patent            Comparing Voice Signals to Reduce False Alarms   January 20, 2010
Cywar Cult            Cult of Cyberwar Narrow Sourcing                 January 20, 2010
KGB-Chair 10          Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 10     January 18, 2010

KGB-Chair 9           Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 9      January 15, 2010
KGB-Chair 8           Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 8      January 13, 2010
KGB-Chair 6-7         Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 6-7    January 11, 2010
NSA Patent            Range limited antenna                            January 8, 2010
KGB-Chair 4-5         Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 4-5    January 7, 2010

DSB                   Scientific War Lovers Membership                 January 5, 2010
Spy Junk              Spying in Afghanistan Irrelevant                 January 5, 2010
KGB-Chair 3           Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 3      January 5, 2010
john-hempton          Shutdown Blog's Last Report on Possible AU Ponzi January 3, 2010
KGB-Chair 2           Spy Lord: Confessions of the KGB Chairman 2      January 2, 2010